PRINCIPLES AND PREMISES OF Indian Coastal Some Management - ICZM


ICZM is  based upon fundamental premises  and principles  all of  which have  to be followed earnestly.  

Coastal zone management
Image credit Getty image

Principle  1:  The  coastal  area  is  a  unique  resource  system  which  requires  special  management  and planning approaches 

Principle 2:  Water  is the  major integrating force in coastal  resource  systems 

Principle 3:  It  is essential that  land and sea uses  be planned  and managed in combination .

Principle 4: The edge of the sea  is the focal point  of coastal  management programmes 

Principle 5:  Coastal management boundaries should be  issue-based and  adaptive 

Principle  6:  A  major  emphasis  of  coastal  resources  management  is  to  conserve  common  property resources 

Principle  7:  Prevention  of  damage  from  natural  hazards  and  conservation  of  natural  resources  should be combined  in ICZM programmes 

Principle  8:  All  levels  of  government  within  a  country  must  be  involved  in  coastal  management  and planning 

Principle 9: The nature-synchronous  approach to  development is especially appropriate for  the coast 

Principle  10:  Special  forms  of  economic  and  social  benefit  evaluation  and  public  participation  are  used in coastal management programmes 

Principle 11: Conservation for  sustainable use  is a major goal of  coastal  resources  management 

Principle 12: Multiple-use management is appropriate  for most  coastal resource systems 

Principle-13: Multiple-sector  involvement is  essential  to sustainable use  of coastal resources 

Principle 14; Traditional resource management should be respected 

Principle  15:  The  environmental  impact  assessment  approach  is  essential  to  effective  coastal management 


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