My age is 20, female. Is it possible to get back your hair which I lost due to nutrients deficiency?
If you are young than it is possible to regrowth your hair. A young people can get their back in some time. Approximately it takes 6 months when you understand your nutrition deficiency and start taking Proper diet and supplements ( if severe) Do You Know Hair needs both Protein and Vitamins. However, Vitamins A, B, F and H (Biotin) are required to hydrate, strengthen and repairing of hair cuticle. You can find foods which are rich in these vitamins. B12 is not present in plants. So, either you can eat animal meat, eggs, milk, curd, cheese or fortified cereals. These Vitamins can be helpful in blood circulation to the root and maintaining healthy scalp. For a healthy, clean and clear scalp, it is recommended to use Pure Ayurvedic Hair Oil ( like Divyaranjan), thrice a week. Massaging oil gently and softly stimulates the blood circulation in the scalp and promote growth. Also , do not use OTC Shampoo and Conditioner. Use only Sulphate free Parabens free Shampoo and Conditione