Difference between Himalayan Rivers and Peninsular Rivers

As compared to Himalayan Rivers, these rivers are shorter, do not have high erosion activity, and have smaller basin and catchment areas. Furthermore, peninsular riversare consequent rivers as they follow the direction of the slope. These rivers originate from the Himalayan mountain ranges. The major Himalayan rivers are the Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Beas, Ravi, Saraswati, Sutlej, Ganga (or the Ganges), Yamuna, and Brahmaputra. All these rivers collectively cover an area of 2,250 km. The average width of these rivers is 200 km. Peninsular rivers - definition. ... Most of these rivers originate in the Western Ghats and drain a large part of central and south India. These peninsular rivers are seasonal but carry a great volume of water fed by rainfall. The Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery flow eastwards and drain into the Bay of Bengal. The Ganges, known as Ganga in India, is the longest river in India and also the largest river in India. Peninsular Rivers. The peninsular Rivers in India include the Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery, Narmada, and Tapti or Tap


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