Keyword Blacklisting Guide In Very Simple Language

Do you know keyword blacklisting is the biggest threats to publishers worldwide? Due to keyword blacklisting a USA New publishers lost around 2.8 billion dollars in 2019. Not only this in UK news outlets and magazines lost about £170 million. So you think how much important keyword blacklisting. 

Due to this whatever traffic coming to your website is not helpful and you will not able to earn money. You are wasting your hard work is due to the wrong use of the keyword. If you are not aware of it than it can happen worldwide with you. 

If you will stay with me then I am going to tell you a lot about keyword blacklisting.

What Is Keyword Blacklisting? 

Keyword blacklisting is a way in which the advertising company stops showing advertisement on your article by finding blacklisted keywords. 

If you are used any words such as bo*b, r*pe, s*x in your article, then you will not be able to show advertisement in your article.
You have to take care of all these things that no such word has been used in your article. If you do not do this, then you will not be able to use any traffic that is coming to your website.

A lot of companies take keyword
blacklisting very rigorously so that your publisher account might be disabled by the company. Many people ask me, will my publisher account be disabled due to keyword blacklisting. 

The number of Blacklisted keyword is increasing every day. Right now its number is more than 3100. Many tools are being used by the company to find out this issue. 

What Are The Possible Keyword Solutions For Keyword Blacklisting? 

According to me, the only solution is that you should not use a word that has been blacklisted. If you want to know about that keyword then you can search it on Google. 

But if you have a news website, then you are compelled to use such a word, then what will you do in such a case. A lot of companies have created a tool that looks at its Context by not looking at the keyword, which can reduce your loss.


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