What Is Consumer Rights And Responsibility

Consumer Rights: 

Producers and consumer are two base of a market. When you purchase goods and services than it called consumer. Those people who consume this good and service is called consumers. Producers are those who produce these good and services. The law is made-up for protecting the rights of people. These could be the protection of workers in the Unorganised sector or to protect people from high internet rates charged by moneylender in the informal sector. In the Market place many consumer are exploited so these rule and regulations are made-up to protect from exploitation. 
What Is Consumer Rights And Responsibility
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What are various ways by which consumer may be exploited in the market? 

There are many way in which consumer are exploited in market place. For example sometimes traders indulge in unfair trade practices such as when shopkeepers weight less than what they should or when traders add charges that were not mentioned before, or when adulterated goods are sold. This happen when producers is small and consumer is high than Market do not work in a fair manner. 

What is the responsibility of a consumer

If you want to change the society than first change your self. For example if you know about your right and you have a knowledge about products such as which products expired or not than you will be able to protect your rights. Many people exploited in Market place because they don't know which products is verified by government or not. 

Our responsibility is to read carefully all the rights that is mentioned on the government website. Government provide many information regarding consumer rights. You can read on the website that name is www.mca.gov.in. it is our responsibility to check products carefully and if found any defect than complain on consumer court. 

What do you think should be the role of government to protect consumers

Government have responsibility to protect consumer from exploitation. Government protect them by making tough rule and regulations. Strong enforcement of rule and regulations can protect the right rights of consumers. 


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